Week of August 22 – 26

Hello! Don’t forget Thurs. is a half day!  Because our time is short that day we will not be doing a math lesson that day so there won’t be a math assignment for you to review and sign. Progress reports are coming out soon and I will be sending home a list tomorrow of any missing assignments thus far.  Students who complete missing work and turn it in by Thursday will receive partial credit instead of a zero.  Assignments not turned in by Thursday will be reflected on the progress report that goes home the following week.

Here are this week’s spelling words:

Lesson 7

  1. polish
  2. camel
  3. modest
  4. different
  5. radish
  6. clever
  7. wedding
  8. vanish
  9. proper
  10. decorate
  11. pattern
  12. linen
  13. suppose
  14. figure
  15. flutter
  16. shiver
  17. telegram
  18. holiday
  19. president
  20. hesitate
Lesson 8

  1. sample
  2. final
  3. equal
  4. vocal
  5. level
  6. dial
  7. tunnel
  8. riddles
  9. hospital
  10. several
  11. candles
  12. handle
  13. surprise
  14. bubble
  15. barrel
  16. nickel
  17. rival
  18. capital
  19. usual
  20. individual

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