Week of August 29 – Sept. 2

I hope you had a great weekend!  I wanted to share a link with you where you can view my lesson plans for the current and next week so if your child is absent you can see what it is they will be missing.  Please know that lesson plans are “fluid” meaning some days we may not accomplish everything I have on the plan and sometimes I move things around based on daily needs.  Sometimes the plans will be more detailed than others depending on my own needs.  For example if I am using a lesson I found online I may copy relevant parts and paste them into my plan to serve as a reminder for myself.  Other times I can just list the topic and one or two items.  My plans serve as my guide for the day but I am happy to share them with you.  You can access them at https://planbook.com/planbook.html?t=1261448&k=Cougars1

Remember that Monday, September 5th is Labor Day and there is no school!  Enjoy your break!

This week’s spelling words:

Lesson 9

  1. boil (oi)
  2. always (al – ay)
  3. repay (eA – ay)
  4. spoiling (oi – ing)
  5. destroy (eA – oy)
  6. key (k)ey)
  7. valley (aD – ey)
  8. jockey (o – ck – ey)
  9. pity (pit – y=e+)
  10. turkey (ur – (k) – ey)
  11. ray (ay)
  12. jointed (oi – ed)
  13. enjoy (en – oy)
  14. annoy (aD – oy)
  15. employ (em – oy)
  16. display (i – ay)
  17. moisture (oi – u+)
  18. oyster (oy – er)
  19. alley (aD – ey)
  20. disappointed (i – aD – oi – ed)
Lesson 10

  1. sore (ore)
  2. couch (ou)
  3. jaw (aw)
  4. pew (ew)
  5. straw (aw)
  6. caught (augh)
  7. jewel (ew – el)
  8. brought (ought)
  9. daughter (augh – er)
  10. because (eA – au – s+e)
  11. chew (ew)
  12. tore (ore)
  13. fault (au)
  14. mouth (ou)
  15. ground (ou)
  16. paws (aw)
  17. powder (ow – er)
  18. thought (ought)
  19. napkins (a – (k) – i )
  20. pause (au – s+e)

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