Week of 1/25 – 1/29

Can you believe the first month of the year is almost over?  Wow!  Time flies when we’re having fun.  Fourth grade has been having fun learning about ancient Arizona cultures like the Hohokam and Sinagua.  We will be learning more about the history of Arizona in the next few weeks.  We’ve also been learning about electricity and magnetism.  We’ve done a few fun activities in Science learning about electrical circuits and magnets.

Please remind your student that our first book report of the quarter is due on Friday.  If they need another copy of the expectations please have them see me.  Their Science Fair project is due on Feb. 5th.

A couple other dates to keep in mind this week – on Weds. the 27th Carden is celebrating National School Choice Week at 4 pm.  We will have a guest speaker, chili and other entertaining events.  Please join us!  On Friday Jan 29th we will be holding a lockdown drill.  More information for this went home in your Friday packet.

Here are this week’s spelling words.  Your student can go to Spelling City to play games to help them review their words.  Our rules for this week are:  After w -or has the sound of -ur.  O,n,e, is one.

  1. done (one)
  2. none (one)
  3. withdraw (i – aw)
  4. one (one)
  5. penny (eD – y=e+)
  6. word (or=ur (w)
  7. work (or=ur (w)
  8. world (or=ur (w)
  9. button (uD – on=un)
  10. dainty (a+(i) – y=e+)
  11. liver (liv – er)
  12. worth (or=ur(w)
  13. honey (on=un – ey)
  14. once (one – once)
  15. money (on=un – y=e+)
  16. slender (en – er)
  17. dumb (u – (b)
  18. flowing (ow – ing)
  19. worse (or=ur(w) – s+e)
  20. worthy (or=ur(w) – y=e+)