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It is that time of the year to let Carden know your student's enrollment status for the school year 2022-2023. Please fill out the form below by Friday, February 4th.

Intended Enrollment For 2022-2023 Form


Carden's Perfect Attendance Contest Partnering with the Arizona Diamondbacks Students that have perfect attendance for the month of FEBRUARY 2022 will be awarded a certificate for one (1) complimentary ticket to a 2022 D-Backs home game in Phoenix. Families can purchase additional tickets to sit with the student. Max one (1) free ticket per order. Available games at www.dbacks.com/attendance

1_School Calender


Dollar for Duds is the first Tuesday of each month. It is a Fundraiser for the Carden PTO. Students can wear appropriate "street" clothes to school that day. Proceeds are used for school improvements. To participate, the cost is $3 per day, per student. If you wish to pay for the entire year, it is $9. Please fill in the student name and dates that they will participating in throughout the remainder of the school year. Cash or checks (made payable to Carden PTO) are accepted for payment. Payment must be received prior to the dress down day to participate.


Here is the link to enter your student's participation:


Pizza Fundraiser

Support our traveling DC students by purchasing a $5 lunch each week. Lunch will be served from the office during their specific lunch times. An order form will be handed out during carpool every Friday. Orders and payment must be received by EACH Monday to participate.

We are selling Carden stickers in the Office for $2 (small) and $4 (large).

Stop by to get your sticker!

Thank you for supporting Carden of Tucson

PTO Meeting

Thank you to all of our families who are able to attend our PTO Meetings. Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 2nd at 3:15 pm in the 7th grade room. We will be discussing how our candy bar fundraiser has been going and discussing the upcoming golf tournament at Top Golf.
Families Monthly Park Meetup!
Come join Carden families afterschool on Monday, January 31st for some fun time together at Curtis Park! Everyone is welcome and it will be a great time to get to know other Carden families. Can't wait to see you there!
Candy Bar Fundraiser
Beginning Monday, January 24th, we (as a school) will be selling chocolate bars as one of our big fundraisers for the year! The fundraiser will last for 2 weeks, ending Monday, February 7th.
We are asking EACH family to sell at LEAST one box of chocolate bars.
Each box contains 60 candy bars and will be sold for $1.00 a piece. Our goal is to sell all 50 boxes and the school will receive 50% of the proceeds.
Prizes are as follows:
  • Sell 1 case -- Peter Piper Pizza Coupon, Chili's Coupon and be entered into a drawing for a 5 lb chocolate bar!
  • Sell 2 cases-- earn a Smencil with CASH
  • Sell 3 cases -- earn light up glasses to music
  • Sell 5 cases -- LED flashlight
  • Sell 7 cases -- run away clock
  • Sell 10 cases -- smart watch
Top Selling Family (who sells a minimum of 10 cases) will earn a $100 Wal-Mart gift Card
A permission slip to participate will be sent home next week. Please fill out the form and return to the office. Boxes will be handed out on Monday, January 24th.
Thank you,
Carden PTO

  • Mon., Jan. 31st -- Family meet up at the Park @ 3:30 pm
  • Tues., Feb. 1st -- Dollar for Duds
  • Thurs., Feb. 3rd -- Board Meeting at 2 pm
  • Fri., Feb. 4th -- Spelling Bee @ 1:30 pm
  • Mon., Feb. 7th -- Progress Reports Sent Home
  • Sat., Feb. 19th -- Movie Night at 6:30 pm
  • Mon., Feb. 21st - Wed., Feb. 23rd -- Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • Wed., Feb. 23rd -- Rodeo Program at 10:30 and Noon Dismissal
  • Thurs., Feb. 24th - Fri., Feb. 25th -- Rodeo Break (No School)
download (2)

Enrichment Program Hours:

Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm

Before Care & After Care Locations: MPR


$6.00 per individual or $9.00 per family billable in 30 minute increments.

Payment is due upon receipt of your statement.

*Any students not picked up by 4:00 pm, will be charged $10 per every 5 minutes after 4 o'clock.

The Enrichment Program will NOT be available on half days.

Billing Statements will be sent home on your billing schedule and due upon receipt. Payment methods include cash, check (made payable to Katelyn Martinez) or through the PayPal account. If you would like to pay through the Enrichment Program PayPal account, please click on the following LINK.
Thank you,Carden Faculty
Newsletters are emailed out every Friday to all subscribers. Within the newsletter, you will see a LINK to enter your family name to give us notice that you have read through our upcoming information. The LINK must be submitted weekly by Tuesday afternoon for students to wear their peacebuilder shirts and jeans and to receive credit to help them towards their goal of 100%.

Please use the link below to submit your families name for this weeks newsletter:
from the principal
Quarter 3 Week 4: This week was full of National School Choice activities which was capped off with a school wide dance and yellow cupcakes. I love seeing everyone participate in these activities, check out the video on Facebook. Thank you again to Ms Nichols for setting us up for success.
In addition to the National School Choice activities around campus, we also had volcanoes erupting and nutritional presentations. Squad leaders got students thinking about what we love at Carden. Candy sales have been a great success so far and we are looking to order more boxes. Pizza lunch Friday again was very popular, plus it is my favorite lunch day as well!
Mr. Moore
Join us for our VIRTUAL Panda Express Fundraiser on Monday, February 28th. This is a nationwide event that can be shared with family friends across the country. Purchases are done online with code 906671 in the fundraiser box at check out. Use the link below for more information:

Carden's Virtual Fundraiser Link

Carden of Tucson is happy to announce that Mrs. Livingood will return to campus. Mrs. Livingood will be the long term sub in 7th & 8th grade classroom. To those who have been around campus for a few years, will remember Mrs. Livingood from her role as Assistant Director and Junior High teacher and to those who have yet to meet her, will be in for a real treat when you do. Mrs. Livingood brings amazing energy and passion for education. Along side Mrs. Livingood, taking on a larger role with the 7th & 8th graders, is our Carden of Tucson founder and career educator Mrs. Jeppson. Thank you for the continued support!
A great way to support Carden of Tucson is linking your Amazon account to an Amazon Smiles Account. Follow this LINK to start using Amazon Smiles. You have the option to choose the charitable organization which would be Carden of Tucson. Thank you for your continued support!
Click on the link below to access our 2022 Tax Credit Form

2022 Tax Credit


Follow us on our Social Media Platforms by clicking on each link below:




Keepin' up with Carden!

Take a minute to review Carden of Tucson on GreatSchools.com!

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