Registration for our 2023-2024 school year is now open! Use the link below to fill out the form intended enrollment for next year.
Due date is Monday, February 6th.
Candy Bar Fundraiser
Beginning, Monday, January 30th, we (as a school) are selling chocolate bars as one of our big fundraisers for the year! The fundraiser will last for 2 weeks, ending Monday, February 13th.
We are asking EACH family to sell at LEAST one box of chocolate bars.
Each box contains 60 candy bars and will be sold for $1.00 a piece. Our goal is to sell all 100 boxes and the school will receive 50% of the proceeds.
- Sell 1 case -- Peter Piper Pizza Coupon, Chili's Coupon and be entered into a drawing for 5 lb. chocolate bar
- Sell 2 cases -- earn a Smencil with CASH
- Sell 3 cases -- earn light up glasses that go to music
- Sell 5 cases -- LED flashlight
- Sell 7 cases -- run away clock
- Sell 10 cases -- smart watch
Top Selling Family (who sells a minimum of 20 cases) will earn a $100 Wal-Mart gift card!
Permission slips have been sent home. If you are missing one, stop by the office to fill it out! Boxes have been handed out already. Come get more!
A great way to support Carden of Tucson is linking your Amazon account to an Amazon Smiles Account. Follow this LINK to start using Amazon Smiles. You have the option to choose the charitable organization which would be Carden of Tucson. Thank you for your continued support!
Click on the link below to access our 2022 Tax Credit Form
Newsletters are emailed out every Friday to all subscribers. Within the newsletter, you will see a LINK to enter your family name to give us notice that you have read through our upcoming information. The LINK must be submitted weekly by Tuesday afternoon for students to wear their peacebuilder shirts and jeans and to receive credit to help them towards their goal of 100% participation in their squads.
Please use the link below to submit your families name for this week's newsletter:
- Thurs., Feb. 2nd -- Middle School Field Trip
- Tues., Feb. 7th -- Dollar for Duds, PTO Meeting @ 7:30 pm
- Wed., Feb. 8th -- 2/3 Field Trip
- Mon., Feb. 13th -- Progress Reports sent home & Chocolate money due
- Tues., Feb. 14th -- Dress in your best Valentine's attire
- Tues., Feb. 21st -- Rodeo Program @ 1:30pm
- Wed., Feb. 22nd - 24th -- Rodeo Break (No School)
Another fun week of learning opportunities this week at Carden. We had a couple different field trips getting students out to see plays and visiting an art museum this week. Our students were very well behaved out in the community. Candy sales are in full swing with everyone doing well. Couple ways to help with sales; talk to neighbors about the candy, take a box to the workplace, or ask other parents at sporting practice opportunities. Remember "NO" is an appropriate response for our students to hear when they try to sell, it is an opportunity to try again.
Have a wonderful weekend, Mr Moore
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Take a minute to review Carden of Tucson on GreatSchools.com!