Don't forget to join for the next PTO meeting April 25th @ 4:00pm in the MPR.
Unfortunately, we will be cancelling the Golf Tournament this year as we didn't have enough people signed up. We would love to hear any feedback and ideas you have for future fundraisers! Please come to the next PTO meeting on April 25th with ideas!
State Testing Grades 3 - 8
Please review the testing schedule below. All students must be at school on time at 8:10 each day. Students that are late will not be allowed to test that day. Make sure students get lots of rest and a good meal before coming to school. Thank you!
Click the image below to check out the adopted
2024-2025 School Calendar
Don't forget to submit your TAX CREDIT to Carden of Tucson. Funds are used for field trips, extracurricular activities, and music performances. We appreciate your continued support! Reach out to Mrs. Martinez at kmartinez@cardenoftucson.org with any questions.
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Vacation and you are all looking forward to this last quarter of the 2023-24 school year! The next few weeks are going to fly by. Please make sure to support your student as best you can as we all prepare for Arizona State Testing for 3rd- 8th grade starting Monday, April 8th. A good night's rest and healthy breakfast in the morning go a long way! We have all sorts of other wonderful events and opportunities for our students so make sure you check out the school calendars coming home.
A big thank you to all of the families that have expressed their intent to enroll for the 2024-2025 school year. Although more often than not Carden has a waitlist for most classes, we do have a few openings and also look forward to welcoming a new class of Kindergarteners to campus. Word of mouth continues to be the best way people hear about us, so please spread the word and invite your friends to join our school community! We will be hosting an Open House on Friday, April 12th at 8:30AM, please invite potential students and their families to this Open House.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Use the link below to submit squad points for this week! We would love all parents/guardians help their students reach our goal of 100%
Follow us on our Social Media Platforms by clicking on each link below:
Take a minute to review Carden of Tucson on GreatSchools.com!