Dear Grade 2 Parents,
Thank you for your support at Back to School Night. A few things to note: The book orders will go home about every 2 months. Please return orders within 7 days with payment in cash, or check. The check should be made out to Scholastic Books.
Our class is studying World Biome’s, and plan on attending a Field Trip to Green Things on September 3rd at 9:00 am – 11:00 am. This tour will educate the green house effect, and a variety of plants. We will be purchasing herbs and plants for classroom projects. You are more than welcome to join us. Also, Green Things has peacocks, goats, and chickens to view. I will be sending home permission slips and volunteer drivers. Remember all students must have a booster car seat, and drivers must be cleared through Ms. Gardner with drivers license and indemnity papers.
You are welcome to email me with questions or concerns at any time. I will reply as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Ms. Nichols
- Homework Questions- 6th and 7th Grade
- The Cell Song