Welcome Grade 2 Families

July, 2015

Dear Parents,
Welcome to the Grade 2 Class of 2015 -2016. Your child has had a successful first week of school! We will be on many adventures the 1st Quarter, learning Reading, Writing, Language, Math, Science, Social Studies, Penmanship/Cursive, Art, and many other activities. Come to our Back to School Night August 10, 2015, and you will learn more information about your child in Grade 2.


The following concepts will be taught during the first 5 weeks of school:
· Reading and identifying numbers to 100; identifying right & left
· Graphing data on a graph; identifying one more & one less
· Telling and showing time to the hour
· Writing numbers to 100
· Addition facts: doubles to 18
· Identifying the attributes of pattern blocks
· Identifying ordinal position to 6th; creating & reading a repeating pattern
· Identifying & acting out “some, some more stories”; comparing # to 50
· Comparing & ordering objects by size (area)
· Addition facts: adding 0 & 1; identifying addends, sums, & Commutative Property
· Written & oral assessment 1; covering a design using pattern blocks
· Identifying & acting out “some, some went away” stories
· Numbering a clock face; identifying the time one hour ago & one hour from now
· Identifying even & odd numbers
· Identifying ordinal position to twelfth
· Addition facts: adding 2
· Written assessment 2; creating & reading a repeating color pattern
· Identifying weekdays & days of the weekend
· Creating, reading, & drawing a pictograph
· Identifying polygons
· Identifying fractional parts of a whole
· Addition facts: adding 9
· Written assessment 3; oral assessment 2; creating a color pattern

To help make the Saxon Math Program a success, parents need to check and sign the homework, have the student correct any mistakes, and then have it packed up to bring back to school. Any student who leaves the homework home will have to stay in for one of the recesses and complete or repeat the assignment.

Carden Spelling
There are 2 spelling lessons each week; Mondays & Wednesdays. On Tuesdays & Thursdays the children take a practice spelling test; these are not graded. On Fridays I dictate the spelling words. This Friday test is graded.
The following vowel controls have been taught:
· ar = farm a+ = shake
· a = tag ay = stay
· e+ = street i+ = size
· o+ = froze u+ = cube
· aw = claw all = small
· em = stem e = well
· i = slip ck = trick
· es = vest v+e = give
· ing = having (drop the e before adding the suffix)

1. On Monday new lesson words are given. The children are expected to take these words home and study them. They can put these words into ABC order, write sentences, or make up a story to help them memorize their words.
2. On Tuesday the children are expected to write as many of their spelling words and vowel controls from memory as they can in a practice test. Any missed words from this practice test are added on to Wednesday’s lesson. These practice tests are not graded.
3. On Wednesday a new set of lesson words are given plus any missed words from Tuesday’s practice test. Again the children are expected to take this list home to study. They can put these words into ABC order, write sentences, or make up a story to help them memorize their words.
4. On Thursday the children are expected to write as many of Wednesday’s words and vowel controls from memory as they can. These are still practice tests and are not graded. If any student gets 100% on this practice test, that child will not have to take the test on Friday. However, if a student misses any words on the practice test, he/she will have to take the entire spelling test on Friday.
5. On Friday I will be dictating the spelling words from Wednesday’s list. This test is graded.

Please check the Grade 2 Carden of Tucson Blog for Spelling List and other class activity information. Grade 2 is in need of prizes for the prize box, clorox wipes, forks, spoons, and paper plates.

Ms. Nichols