Contact Miss Stoner – Fourth & Fifth Grade

I have a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education from the University of Arizona.  I have taught at Carden of Tucson for 17 years.

I love sports (especially baseball and hockey), and English literature.  I am a member of the Jane Austen Society.  I also love to travel and I have visited Canada and most of the United States.

While all subjects are taught in fifth grade, there is a strong focus on history and geography. We spend a lot of time studying Canada and by the end of fifth grade the students should be familiar with North America.

We have a unit on baseball, and learn about statistics.  We also read a lot of great children’s literature, including Tuck Everlasting, Holes, Bridge to Terabithia,  Robin Hood, Wind in the Willows, and others.

In the Spring we take a three day field trip to Agua Caliente Park to study the environment and how to take care of it. We also, of course, try to get to a baseball game outside of school hours.

By the end of 5th grade the students are ready for the additional work and depth of study they will experience in Middle School.

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