Regular Meeting

Carden of Tucson, Inc.

August 13, 2015 at 12:00 Noon

5260 N. Royal Palm Drive

Agenda posted August 12, 2015

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Moment of Silence
  3. Roll Call
  4. Approval of Minutes of Prior Meeting                                                               ACTION
    1. Minutes for the July 13, 2015 Meeting

New Business

V. Technology & Insurance                                                                                           INFORMATIONAL

VI. Highlighting Staff                                                                                                     INFORMATIONAL

VII. Pre-Audit Planning Meeting with Ludwig Klewer                                           INFORMATIONAL

VIII. Upcoming Events

  • Hearing Screening Tuesday, August 18th
  • Early Out Thursday, Aug 20th Noon Dismissal
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences Monday-Friday, August 24th-28th
  • Early Out Friday, September 4th Noon Dismissal
  • Labor Day No School Monday, September 7th
  • September Board Meeting (Noon) Thursday, September 10th

Anyone wishing to address the Board may do so at this point in the agenda. A Request

to Speak form should be completed and returned to the Governing Board Secretary. The

Board is not allowed to take action on any item not listed on its agenda for this meeting.

It may refer requests for action to the administration for further consideration and/or

discuss the matter at a later meeting. Speakers will be limited to a maximum of five

IX. Adjourn                                                                                                                        ACTION

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