Hello there! We are cruising right along – can you believe the quarter is half over? If you haven’t had a chance to sign up for parent-teacher conferences please do so. I’d love to meet with you.
In Social Studies we are finishing up a Bill of Rights project and continuing with our government unit. In Science we are continuing our Earth Conservation and Resources unit. We watched an interesting video on our Human Footprint put out by National Geographic. The kids were fascinated to see just what our impact is on the Earth. We are about half way done reading Bambi. It is a delightful book and so fun to read aloud!
Here are our spelling words for the week:
- paper
- baby
- silent
- stupid
- defend
- struggle
- behave
- program
- poem
- between
- violets
- desire
- future
- basin
- change
- moment
- decay
- daffodil
- pupil
- attack
The first few tests we only tested on 10 words. This week we will begin testing on 15 words. When we come back from fall break we will be testing on all 20 words each week. Please make sure your student is studying the vowel controls (included on the list that is sent home). These are important to help them remember the sounds as they spell.
Thank you for all you do to support our learning!