Week of Dec. 14 – Dec. 18

The last week before break is here!  That quarter went by so quickly.  A few reminders – our Secret Santa exchange is in full swing.  Please remind your student to bring their gift each day so feelings do not get hurt.  Friday we will have our school breakfast at 8:30 and our Christmas Program at 10 am.  We will be revealing our Secret Santa during the breakfast time in our classroom.  You are welcome to take your children home after the program is finished.

Our spelling week is a day short this week so we will be having our test on Thursday morning and I will have the students make corrections in class following the test.  Any missing work needs to be turned in no later than Thursday if your student wants me to include it in their final quarter grade. We will not have a reading log this week.

Here is a link to this week’s Spelling City games.

  1. tune (u+)
  2. fractions (a – tion)
  3. sections (e – tion)
  4. boast (o+(a)
  5. nation (aA  – tion)
  6. endure (en – u+)
  7. rude (u+=oo(r) [don’t forget the line over the oo]
  8. June (u+=oo(j) [don’t forget the line over the oo]
  9. satisfy (sat – i – y=i+)
  10. flute (u+=oo(fl) [don’t forget the line over the oo]
  11. prune (u+=oo(r) [don’t forget the line over the oo]
  12. confuse (o – u+)
  13. blue (u+=oo(bl) [don’t forget the line over the oo]
  14. intention (i – en – tion)
  15. glue (u+=oo(gl) [don’t forget the line over the oo]
  16. connection (oD – e – tion)
  17. invitation (i – i – aA – tion)
  18. rule (u+=oo(r) [don’t forget the line over the oo]
  19. exception (ex – c(e) – e – tion)
  20. memorize (mem – oA – i+)