Week of Oct. 26 – Oct. 30

As you may have noticed we have several projects going on this quarter!  One project is being done in class.  We are researching the Aztec, Inca and Maya civilizations.  We will be creating a written report and visual display that will be used to present what the students have learned to the class.  I will be supplying the poster board for this project and we will be doing most of it in class.

One of the projects the students are working on at home is the Science Fair project.  Your student has developed a question that they want to research and design an experiment.  These questions have been submitted and approved by me.  The next submission deadline is Oct. 30 when they should submit their final question and problem if they needed to revise their question.  From November 2 – 12 they should be doing research into their topic and the history of their problem. Remember to keep track of the sources for the bibliography.  All research should be recorded in a research journal.  On November 13th they need to share their research and hypothesis with me.  The rest of the Science Fair schedule is in the packet that went home. If you need another packet please let me know.

The second project to be worked on at home is the Book Report.  Your student has chosen a book to read and on Nov. 6th they need to tell me which project they have selected.  The book needs to be read and the project completed by Dec. 4th.  If you have any questions please email me at acurtis@cardenoftucson.org


Here are this week’s spelling words:

  1. germ (g(e) – er)
  2. gem (g(e) -em)
  3. giant (g(i) – iA – a)
  4. margin (ar – g(i)- i)
  5. gentle (g(e) – en – le)
  6. fancy (a – c(y) – y=e+)
  7. ginger (g(i) – i (g(e) – er)
  8. energy (en – er – g(y) – y=e+)
  9. original (oA – i – g(i) – i – al=ul)
  10. manager (man – a=uh – g(e) – er)
  11. slid (i)
  12. burst (ur)
  13. deed (e+)
  14. tremble (em – le)
  15. effect (eD – e)
  16. stingy (i – g(y) – y=e+)
  17. Nancy (a – c(y) – y=e+)
  18. agency (aA – g(e) – en – c(y) – y=e+)
  19. tendency (en – en – c(y) – y=e+)
  20. New Jersey (ew – er – ey)